Advent is an important season in the life fo the church. This season speaks of our joyous anticipation and preparation for the coming of Christ. Our reflections should not simply recall the events leading up to the first Christmas; but should equally see us deeply preparing our hearts for the second coming of Christ.
Through the prophet Jeremiah the Lord counselled ‘You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart’. The formula for finding Jesus has always been the same, the earnest and sincere prayer of a humble and pure heart. This years theme of ‘A New Hope’ calls us to recall just who the baby in the manger truly was and what he achieved. It calls us as disciples to see who this baby in the manager truly is, to grow in our understanding of, and trust in God’s promises, to truly hold onto the sure and certain hope that we have in Christ, and to trust in his faithfulness. I pray that as undertake our advent preparations this year that each of us may grow in our awareness of God's love for us; and draw closer to him, rendering our hearts to his service and our lives to expectant and purposeful preparation. Great is his faithfulness! Grace & peace Jen
AuthorJen is an energetic and passionate disciple of Christ who loves to share Jesus with anyone who will listen! Past Thoughts
December 2021
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